Ideal for use where Lead-Free* valves are required. Designedfor installation on potable water lines to protectagainst backsiphonage of contaminated water into thepotable water supply. Assembly shall provide protectionwhere a potential health hazard exists.
Perfect for irrigation and laboratory applications
Low-lead law compliant
The Atmospheric Vacuum Breaker shall be certified to NSF/ANSI 372, ASSE® Listed 1001. The main body shallbe low lead brass (1/4"-2"). All internal polymers shall be NSF® Listed ULTEM™ or Polypropylene and the seatdisc elastomers shall be Silicone. The device shall be accessible for maintenance without removing the devicefrom the service line. The installation shall not be in a concealed or inaccessible location, or where the ventingof water from the device, during normal functioning, may be deemed objectionable.